Saturday, 13 December 2014

Task 2 John Howe

Another commission for I.C.E... a portion of which appeared on the actual card.
The towers are quite dreadfully designed, but I cannot blame anyone but myself for the unimaginative roofs they have. Disneyland meets Middle-Earth
Yet another picture I'd happily do again...
As for the cliffs... I have done them again.

The  work I have decided to look at is a commission piece by John Howe. It's called Edhellond 
, like Alan Lee John likes to work in watercolour and most of his works are done in watercolour or pencil. This is a great piece as it shows of his skills but also his style. The way he used wet on wet in the background has produced a misty foggy harbour feel. Edhellond is the southern harbour of Gondor. Gondor is also called the white city which allows John to work with the range of shades and tones within the white of the stone. This piece is very detailed. This can been shown with the sea waves crashing into the cliff side and also the White Sea birds in the center around the towers. This could be produced by using a masking fluid. The colour palette is  very much greys and blues 
but it can be seen that there is a yellow undertone which produces a warm glow.

John painted this piece around 2003, this was when he was in New Zealand working in The Lord of the rings film trilogy. Most of the work he produced within this time was watercolour or pencil. Which was very much his style and was very popular. 

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